Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) church founder and prophet, Shepherd Bushiri currently based in South Africa has written President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika expressing his concern over how his administration tried to block maize relief meant for people affected by hunger.

In the letter released through Malawi Zoom addressed to the President, Bushiri has urged President Mutharika to not to put his trust in those people who have surrounding him but in the hands of God.

Bushiri said he is not pleased how his administration has handled his food aid meant for Malawians affected by hunger, saying the exercise was not political.

“Looking at the present Malawi however, you will have to agree with me that things have gone out of hand, especially with the prevailing hunger crisis. Just like anyone whose heart is attached to Malawi, this has been my main concern Your Excellency. As a citizen of Malawi and as a man of God, I took it upon my shoulders to help your government and work with your government, in your efforts to help out people hit by the crisis.

“Unfortunately, things have not been smooth on my part to the point that I have now suspended my efforts towards helping the suffering Malawians. Ever since I started the project Your Excellency, things have not really gone down well with your government officials and the ruling party diehards. According to what I have gathered, they are worried that my help has strings attached. To be exact Your excellency, they have all reasons to believe that I am eying your seat come 2019’s presidential elections,” said Bushiri in an open letter to Mutharika.

Added Bushiri: “Your Excellency, the reason above has sprung the said party diehards and other government officials into fighting my efforts towards helping the people whom your government is also trying to help in the face of the hunger crisis and other problems that Malawi is enduring.”

Bushiri also expressed to shock how other DPP bigwigs invaded his charity work in Karonga.

“In my recent charity mission, Your Excellency, I was in Karonga where I shared food (in form of maize) to the suffering citizens of our great nation. I shed tears when I saw people fighting to have a bag of maize. It pricked my heart to see the helpless elderly being pushed away and have their bags hijacked. Your Excellency, this happened because I lacked security,” said Bushiri.

Below is the full open letter to Mutharika from Bushiri

Your Excellency,
“Non nobis solum nati sumus.” (Not for ourselves alone are we born) – Marcus Tullius Cicero

I greet you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is not in my nature to address sensitive issues publicly; and in your case, I would have loved to tell you all this in person, but my efforts to meet you have always been nipped in the bud.

I write this letter today, with hope that it will get to you as I have issues I need to bring to your attention through the general public, comprising of people who supported your way to power.

Your Excellency, you are an exceptional citizen and you are a person I look up to. Your achievements cannot go unnoticed and Malawi shall speak of your legacy forever. In short, you are one of the greatest Malawians I have known.

Looking at the present Malawi however, you will have to agree with me that things have gone out of hand, especially with the prevailing hunger crisis. Just like anyone whose heart is attached to Malawi, this has been my main concern Your Excellency. As a citizen of Malawi and as a man of God, I took it upon my shoulders to help your government and work with your government, in your efforts to help out people hit by the crisis.

Unfortunately, things have not been smooth on my part to the point that I have now suspended my efforts towards helping the suffering Malawians. Ever since I started the project Your Excellency, things have not really gone down well with your government officials and the ruling party diehards. According to what I have gathered, they are worried that my help has strings attached. To be exact Your excellency, they have all reasons to believe that I am eying your seat come 2019’s presidential elections.

Your Excellency, the reason above has sprung the said party diehards and other government officials into fighting my efforts towards helping the people whom your government is also trying to help in the face of the hunger crisis and other problems that Malawi is enduring.

I have all reasons to believe that Your Excellency are not aware of the sabotage that has negatively affected my humanitarian Project. It has not been easy to get chiefs helping hands on the project. Most of them have been very afraid to cooperate with me because they are scared of your machinery which has waged war under a mission of bringing down my humanitarian efforts.

Your Excellency, while I intend to receive nothing but cooperation from your government, it is so unfortunate that I am being treated as a threat to your political career. I have said it time and again that I have no intentions of joining politics now or in the near future. I am a man of God with a prophetic anointing and I am very contented with that. Treating me as a threat is a big mistake that your machinery is making.

My responsibility as a man of God is to help people whom you coincidentally are obliged to serve. I carry the message of hope and take a leading role in good works because it is what my faith entails. I was not voted to be a Prophet, I was called and chosen by God. During the reign of your elder brother, late Bingu Mutharika (may his soul rest in peace), I was a prophet and I remained the same through the time of Dr Joyce Banda on your current seat to this moment and the rest of my stay in this world.

I work with any person, party or organisation possessing the affairs of people at heart. This I do in all countries which hosts branches of my church, including South Africa where I am visited by politicians from both government and opposition sides without problems. I can work with MCP in Malawi the same way I can work with DPP and all other political parties.

Above all, my sincere desire is to work with government of the day to achieve a desired goal of helping Malawi. This is why am privilaged to get a VIP treatment in other countries including South Africa where my efforts are supported by governments, but not that I need it in Malawi. My pure aim is to help my country just like any other citizen. Unfortunately, in Malawi am being treated like a crime suspect under your guard, Your Excellency.

Associating me with a particular political party or an individual as promulgated by your diehards is an insult to the God whom I serve because I wear no earthly colours, but heaven’s. Your Excellency, with all due respect, I emphasize that I am happy serving Malawians as Prophet Shepherd Bushiri and this I will maintain at all times to the very end of my stay in this world.

I implore you Your Excellency, as the first citizen of our great nation to look at me as someone who can help you change Malawi for the better. If by now you have not realised this, then we have a very big problem towards ending problems reigning in our country.
In reiteration Your Excellency, I am not asking for favours from you. All I need is your support towards my efforts in redeeming the welfare of the people who happen to be your subjects. I need you to look at me as part of the solution and not a political threat as your agents have made you believe.

In my recent charity mission, Your Excellency, I was in Karonga where I shared food (in form of maize) to the suffering citizens of our great nation. I shed tears when I saw people fighting to have a bag of maize. It pricked my heart to see the helpless elderly being pushed away and have their bags hijacked. Your Excellency, this happened because I lacked security. After one of my crusades which was held in 2015 in Mzuzu where I had hired police for security, most of their commanding officers got transferred and others demoted. Since then, Your Excellency, I have been unable to seek police services for such had been observed to possess potential to destroy their employment.
Your Excellency, the efforts by your diehards to fight me have had great impact on the very same people that you govern, the people that put you to power. I cry to note that you have been silent on me, Your Excellency in the light of such incidents. After the Mzuzu Crusade, I expected you to take an action and have pity on the police officers who were demoted, or should I believe that the decision to transfer and demote them came from you, Your Excellency?

Your Excellency, I will resume my aid when you personally assure me that I have your support towards my efforts in salvaging the suffering citizenry of our great nation. I have only spent a quarter of my planned budget towards Maize Donations, but with regret, I have suspended the project. As I said, this very same decision will not affect you and me, but the people you govern. The people who are suffering. If you have their affairs at heart, then you will publicly support my efforts to help them.

Your Excellency, I do not intend to impress you neither am I inclined at getting favours in return. God has blessed me beyond my expectation. You may not really need me and my support but believe me, the suffering Malawians do. Your Excellency, for the sake of the people you govern, I have both the spiritual and financial capability to turn things around in Malawi, if given the support from your authority as it stays respected.

I have achieved quite a lot on my own, but we can achieve even more when we work together for the common goal of helping Malawians. When you spend time with other men of God praying to God to end problems in Malawi, I spend time investing in businesses that bring money to help end problems in Malawi. The God I serve requires actions and not idle prayers. That is why, Your Excellency, I have never been part of such sermons that are usually organised for the wishful purpose.

Most of the problems that Malawi is facing are manmade. It will please God to see changes in you, our political leaders by serving people faithfully and honestly. This will include supporting institutions and individuals that are working hard to uplift the lives of others, not fighting them for fear of your political future. As a man of God, I will do my part in praying for you and your leadership to execute the job you were called to.
It boils down to my sadness Your Excellency that agents associating themselves with your leadership, in the intent of protecting your interests, are advancing death threats on me and those who have worked hand in hand with me, including chiefs on the performed charity exercise. Your Excellency, I can only hope that this has never been part of your inspiration, otherwise, Your Excellency, my life is in the hands of God and Him alone will protect me “And for me to live is Christ and for me to die is gain.”I can guarantee that such efforts will surely go in vain, yielding no purported result. I will still stand.

I implore you, Your Excellency, to trust the future of your political career in the hands of God, not the people that surround you. They never and will never put you there. It is God that chose you and the same God will choose you again if you serve to his purpose.

I rest my case!
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri
Major 1

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