The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) has expressed concern over the recent remarks by President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika, saying the President has a huge problem.

Mutharika openly told the gathering in Blantyre during the official opening of the upgraded Chipembere High Way in Blantyre that ‘Ine ndilibe problem’.

The statement followed the country’s Vice President Saulos Chilima’s remarks calling Malawians as ‘Idiots’.

Reacting to the claims, PAC Chairperson Father Peter Mulomole told Zodiak Monday that they think the president himself has a huge problem.

Mulomole said he is blunt that president and his vice are being naïve in their approach to an outcry on the numerous social economic problems rocking the country.

“Last time at parliament he said Malawians should come forth and give solutions and now he says I don’t need help, I can go alone, well that’s a contradictory. I hope that was just mere rhetoric for people out there but I think deep down he knows he needs help,” said Fr. Mulomole.

Mutharika’s statement also attracted mixed reactions from the social media with others accusing him of lacking leadership skills.

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