Catholic Bishops through a pastoral letter released on Sunday have condemned increasing cases of mob Justices and the attack on people living with albinism in the country, saying the act is centrally to God’s teachings.

In the letter, the Bishops urged the general public to desist from taking the law into their own hands.

“We condemn continued instances of communities taking laws into their own hands by torching and killing suspects due to perceived non responsiveness of our security and justice systems. We are worried that in the long run, this menace will chase and scare away prospective foreign investors whilst the Government has been embarking on a serious drive to attract the much needed investors, a positive initiative for our country.

“We are also deeply disturbed by the reports of the killing of persons with albinism. We wish to affirm that people with albinism are human beings and their dignity must be respected and protected by all,” reads in part the statement.

Added the letter: “Pope Leo XIII noted that “it is to the interest of the community, as well as of the individual, that peace and good order be maintained” (Rerum Novarum, 36). We, therefore, appeal to all citizens and people of good will to collaborate with and support the Government’s efforts to make this country a peaceful and secure nation.”

In the letter, Bishops also questioned the tendency of some Police officers who are involved in some robbery attacks in the country, saying this is uncalled for.

“What is more worrisome, in some instances, is that some police officers, who are supposed to be law enforcers, have joined hands with criminals terrorizing our society in an unprecedented manner,” reads the letter.

The Bishops said the tendency of the said Police officer has the power to drove away potential investors in the country.

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