Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church founder and Prophet, Shepherd Bushiri has given online publication MalawiVoice 48 hours to apologize to him in writing for maliciously accusing him of having a hand in the mysterious death of well-known gospel musician Grace Chinga or face legal action.

In a letter dated March 19 2016 addressed to Malawivoice Managing Editor signed by lawyer Raphael Kasambara of Ralph & Arnolds Associates, says his client (Prophet Bushiri) wants the stories retracted within the said period.

Kasambara said the paper alleged that Bushiri planned to kill Chinga after refusing to join the Illuminati, saying the claims are malicious, unfounded and defamatory.

“We would like to dismiss the said allegations as malicious, unfounded and defamatory.Our Client and late Grace Chinga were not friends. Our Client is not a member of any cult; and no attempt was ever made to recruit her into any cult;

“Our Client was not and is not in any way involved in the death of the said late Chinga. Our Client never made any offer to in any way assist meeting any funeral expense relating to the death of late Grace Chinga,” reads in part the letter.

Kasambara has also dismissed claims that, Bushiri decided to donate MK44 million to Football Association Malawi (FAM) after family of Chinga’s refused the money.

“Our Client’s donation of money to FAM was already in the pipeline well before death of late Grace Chinga.

“At no time has our Client been in touch with the late Grace Chinga’s family as regards any funeral expense let alone any arrangement as to his attending the said funeral ceremony,” said Kasambara.

Kasambara has also accused the publication of failing to balance the story by not attempting to hear the side of his client on the matter.

“Therefore, whilst we appreciate your contributors’ or staff writers’ right to enjoy the latitude of freedom of press, the allegations they reported on clearly crossed the line from reporting fair comment and news to defamation and character assassination. While we appreciate that Major Prophet Bushiri is a public figure of global status, he is still entitled to be respected and entitled to equally enjoy his right to dignity. It is clear that in this reporting, your writers’ reckless disregard for the truth and journalistic ethics, the above mentioned article paints a graphic picture of our Client being a Satanist and not a Man of God; and someone involved in the murder of the late celebrated Gospel artist,” said Kasambara.

Added Kasambara: “You write a letter of apology addressed personally to Major Prophet Shepherd Bushiri apologising for defamatory reports published by your writers or contributors.

“Malawi Voice to publish a written unconditional retraction for the malicious, false allegations reported against Major Prophet Bushiri within the next 48 hours following receipt of this letter. The aforesaid publication of retraction is to receive the same prominence as the original articles.”

Meanwhile Bushiri’s donation to FAM has sparked disagreement between Walter Nyamilandu and Minister of Sports with latter threatening Nyamilandu.

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