A 33-year-old-woman in Lilongwe is in Police custody for scalding her husband’s private parts with boiling water after she suspected him of cheating on her.

Kanengo Police Deputy Public Relations Officer, Const. Salome Chibwana, confirmed the arrest of one, Juliet Chiwaya, from Malambima Village, TA Kaphuka Dedza, who handed herself to police on Tuesday after she had committed the crime.

According to Chibwana, the incident occurred when a business person came to Chiwaya’s house in Area 49 to collect cash for items Chiwaya’s husband got some time back.

Juliet was not home but met the business person on the way who told her that Mr. Chiwaya, Juliet’s husband, was seeing another woman whom he bought the items for.

This angered Juliet who went straight home and boiled some water and, in her fury, splashed it over her husband’s crotch.

“The man, Maxwell Chiwaya, got severely burnt around the whole genital area and he had been rushed to hospital unconscious when Juliet rushed here to turn herself in,” explained Chibwana.

The woman is facing charges of Act Intended to Cause Grievous Harm which attracts a maximum penalty of 7 years Imprisonment with Hard Labour (IHL) according to Chibwana.

Maxwell Chiwaya, 36, comes from Unyolo Village TA Chikumbu, Mulanje and he has been married to Julliet for 14 years.mana

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