As critics continue to attack Enlighten Christian Gathering (ECG) church Prophet Shepherd Bushiri from left and right accusing him of being a Satanist, well-known musician-cum politicians Lucius Banda has added his voice on the matter.

Bushiri recently made headlines in the social media for his helping hand where he personally donated maize to hunger victims across the country but this did not please officials from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), forcing him to suspend the exercise.

Worse still, Bushiri was accused of being behind the mysterious death of Malawi’s songbird Grace Chinga who died at Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital after a short illness.

As this was not enough, well-known gospel musicians David Kaliran released a song titled ‘Osaopa’ exposing evil acts of Bushiri.

But writing on his Facebook Page, Banda urged Malawians to give Bushiri a break.

“When you use a mask to threaten a kid into complying in to something, Observe a distance, Cause if one day he touches it and discover its only plastic, he will never be threatened again…..When you accuse and criticize a person so much and on anything, without knowing, you start making people realise It’s jealousy and they start sympathizing with him…….

“There was a time I would shake when being insulted or unfairly criticized but because it went too far,
My heart reached a point of developing a leprosy–like skin, where they pour hot water but u can’t feel it……,” wrote Banda.

He added: “I suggest: let’s give this young man (Bushiri) a break its been too much……”

Bushiri recently said he is not shaken by what people are saying about him.

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