President Arthur Peter Mutharika on Friday conducted a mass rally at Nchalo in Chikwawa where he among other things warned Malawians on aiding or harboring people who practice ritual killings of albinos and those who take the law into their own hands by meting out mob justice on accused persons.

The visibly disappointed leader called a spade by its name when he labelled these ritual killers as foolish. “It is foolishness to take advice from a traditional doctor who lives in poverty on how to accumulate wealth. Why do people fail to see the manipulation here?
This behaviour must stop forthwith and those who get caught will meet the strong hand of our security apparatus,” he warned. In that vein the President promised Malawians of enhanced security noting that his government has given Malawi Police Service 150 vehicles to be used for visibility and rapid response purposes across the country.

On the economy, President Mutharika promised Malawians on stabilization of the economy that will in the short term bear fruits in terms of job creation and food security.

He disclosed that government will shortly unveil an agriculture policy which will make the sector a core component in economic development.
“The Ministry of Agriculture will migrate from focusing on food security only but will be a leading entity in diversification and value addition for export purposes. This will kick-start our drive towards a predominantly exporting economy while creating enough jobs for our productive population,” he said.

He added that the Lower Shire region will soon have what will be the largest irrigation scheme in Southern Africa.

President Mutharika, however, did not beat about the bush on reality on the ground in terms of crop production but was quick to point out that he and his government are vigilant to face the challenges.

“Though the crop does not look encouraging in the gardens, my government promises you that there will be enough food for every Malawian and no one is going to die as long as I am head of state,” said President Mutharika noting that ADMARC has already started buying grain in readiness for eventualities.

Other development projects that the President promised are the East Bank Road to Fatima, a fully-fledged secondary school at Nchalo, community colleges in Chikwawa and Nsanje among others.

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