Police in Lilongwe are keeping in custody a business lady Patricia Nyasulu Okoligwe 32, wife to a Nigerian businessman for being in possession of narcotic drugs suspected to be cocaine.

Cocaine is a powerfully addictive stimulant drug which produces short term euphoria, energy and talkativeness in addition to potentially dangerous physical effects like raising heart rate and blood pressure.

Lilongwe Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) Inspector Kingsley Dandaula told Malawi News Agency (Mana) that Police got a tip from members of the general public that her husband Collins Okoligwe was selling cocaine at his Area 47 sector 2 residences in Lilongwe.

“When the Police went to the house on Friday at around 5pm, they found Okoligwe’s wife with a bottle containing suspected cocaine but did not find her husband. He is believed to be on the run but we are still hunting for him,” said Dandaula.

Meanwhile the drugs have been sent to the Pharmacy, Medicines and Poisons Board for verification and if the substances are proven to be cocaine she will be charged with being in possession of narcotic drugs contrary to Section 35 as read with Section 65 of Pharmacy, Medicine and Poisons Act.

Patricia Nyasulu Okoligwe hails from Banda village in the area of Traditional Authority Masiya in Nkhatabay district.

A 22 year-old Kenyan National Paul Karambo was also arrested in the same area 47 sector 3 for being in possession of granules of cocaine and granules of heroine in August 2015.

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