President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has expressed concern over the tendency of some families across the country selling the grain they have harvested to vendors and at very low prices, saying this has to stop.

Mutharika said this in a statement posted on his official Facebook page seen by FaceofMalawi reporter.

In a statement, Mutharika said selling the Maize soon after harvest to vendors at a giveaway price is uncalled for.

“As you are aware, my government -using estimates from experts- declared that Malawi is a state of national disaster in as far as food security is concerned. As such this sad trend of letting go our food stocks this early does not augur well with our desire to ensure that every household has enough food up until the next harvesting season.

“I hereby remind all Malawians that we must jealously guard our food stocks at household level. My government will surely have enough food in reserve but that does not give us a leeway to sell the little we have,” wrote Mutharika.

On April 12, 2016 Mutharika declared Malawi state of national disaster over drought experienced in most part of the country, forcing many farming families to realize little yields.

Mutharika attributed the drought to the El-Nino weather and he appealed for well-wishers to assist Malawi.

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