Information reaching FaceofMalawi indicates that Galaxy FM which is owned by late President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika’s daughter Duwa has been closed down by Sheriffs.

According to information at hand, the station was closed down last week due to unpaid debts owed to former employees.

The station has for the past one week playing songs throughout the day but now is completely off air.

Former legal advisor to late Bingu, Allan Ntata confirmed of the development in a statement posted on his official Facebook page ‘Reform to Transform-Tisinthe Kuti Zisinthe’.

The Joyce Banda administration froze the Galaxy radio bank account during its investigations of the BinethTrust that was owned bt late president Bingu wa Mutharika.

Because of the frozen account, Galaxy was unable to pay its employees. The employees took the station to the industrial relations court in 2012 and until now no payments have been made.

Among the suing employees in fore front are Mbauwo Chavula and George Misinde.

Galaxy is struggling financially despite embarking on heavy campaign for current president Peter Mutharika’s bid for the State House.

Inside sources indicate that the station’s managing director Madaliso Mutharika the only son to Bingu has tried to meet the president on several occasions to discuss the near bankruptcy of the station, but President Peter Mutharika has refused to meet him.