Acting Inkosi Njolomole has expressed gratitude to the President and the First Lady for taking interest in the health of the ailing Inkosi Njolomole who has been sick for over four years.

He was speaking on Saturday when First Lady Madame Dr Gertrude Mutharika cheered Inkosi Njolomole who suffered a stroke four years ago.

The First Lady was travelling from Blantyre where she attended the funeral of Arthur Masamba, nephew to State President Peter Mutharika who succumbed to malaria on Thursday, 5th May, 2016.

Speaking when she visited the ailing Ngoni Chief, the First Lady wished him well and prayed that God heal the chief so he can resume his duties.

She also commended the royal family for tirelessly caring for the chief who suffered from stroke and is solely dependent on his family for everything.

The acting chief said: ‘for the past four years, no president or presidential candidate has come to visit our chief although they know he has been down for some time.’

‘This is the second time the Mutharika family has visited us and we are very grateful,’ he added.

Member of Parliament for Ntcheu North Assan Lipande thanked the President and the First Lady for sparing time to visit the ailing chief.

President Mutharika first cheered the chief in the run up to the 2014 elections.

Inkosi Njolomole suffered a stroke in 2012 and cannot walk or speak since then.

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