Blantyre police has started to conduct a registration process for all people living with albinism in the area in order to know location of each albino and give them protection from adduction.

The development has come as the way to curb increasing of cases against people living with albinism in this country.  The victims have been abducted, killed and disturbed even their resting souls in grave yard in need for their bones.  There is a belief that their bones hide chances for someone to accumulate enough wealth in this life.

Therefore, in an effort to ensure the enough security for our fellow citizens, Senior assistant Commissioner of Police Ellobium Banda said Blantyre City has begun registration of people living with albinism and their relations in order to easily monitor them.

“This registration will enable us to work together with communities easily, keep track on their daily activities of people living with albinism.

We want to be registering these people so that we can have more details about how many they are in the society, their relations, which school they go to and many other details. With such information, we will be easily notice any form of abuse,” said Banda.





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