The students of Domasi College of Education have accused the government of failing to pay them upkeep allowances.

It has been a custom for residential students to receive the allowances for their upkeep  and stationary  at this institution, but that has not been the case in the last two years.

One of the students (name withdrawn) confirmed that others have not received such allowances for one semester, while some have been not enjoying this privilege for four semesters.

“We have done everything to seek attention from officials but only giving us empty promises,” he said.

Ministry of Education spokesperson Manfred Ndovie confirmed such delovepment and admitted that there is indeed a delay due to certain problem which they are trying to sort it out.

“Ministry of Education prepares the allowances almost in advance only that there was a mistake on bank accounts. We had two banks to pay, First Merchant and National Bank.

Instead of writing a National Bank Cheque we had the cheque written for First Merchant Bank which could not be deposited into the National Bank Acount. The students should bear with us as we are doing everything possible to correct the error,” said Ndovie.

The students are supposed to receive amount of k58, 000 per semester as their upkeep allowances.

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