Former President and founder of United Democratic Front (UDF) Dr. Bakili Muluzi has come out of his cocoon to condemn the recent surge in albino killings, saying the malpractice has to stop.

Muluzi said this on Tuesday through a statement made available to FaceofMalawi.

He said it is very shocking that the country is making headlines on the International scene with evil stories like this.

“Albinos are like everyone and they have a right to life,” said Muluzi while calling upon lawenforcers to hunt down the perpetrators.

Muluzi further urged Malawians to join hands with the government by reporting any incident relating to abduction and killings people living with albinism across the country.

On Monday President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika joined the rest of the World in commemorating albino awareness day and in Malawi the day was commemorated in Kasungu.

In his speech, Mutharika called upon all Malawians to take part in the fight against the evil considering that people living with albinism are an integral part of society and equal to anyone.

“People with albinism are our parents, our children, relatives, friends and neighbours. Love them, as you love yourself. It could have been you! Anyone of us can bear a child with albinism. Therefore, “Together, we must end human rights violations against persons with albinism”. . We refuse to accept that persons with albinism must be denied their freedom to live, and enjoy their lives, their education, health care and social support. I want to urge you all, and every Malawian to take a part in this just cause. Let us all be part of the solution. While others want to take credit by igniting a crusade of sensationalizing our problem, I am immensely thankful of the many local and international persons and organizations who have been part of our solution,” he said while mentioning some key strategic partners such as the United Nations Human Rights office and other offices under the global body, Malawi Human Rights Commission, Persons with Albinism, and the Association of Traditional Healers.

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