Mulanje South Member of Parliament Bon Kalindo was on Saturday chased from a rally organized by the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) at Limbuli in Mulanje where President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika was in attendance.

Kalindo is being accused of betraying the Party for organizing naked demonstrations against albino killings on Thursday last week which attracted huge turnout in the capital Lilongwe.

According to information at hand, the MP upon arrival at the rally in Mulanje he was welcomed by DPP youth cadets who plainly told him to leave the place or else he will face the consequences.

The youth cadets told him that President Mutharika was furious with his action of walking half-naked in the street against albino killings.

Kalindo said he left at the place with the help of the police.

Speaking in an interview with the press from his hiding place, Kalindo said he does not regret his actions despite being chased by party cadres at the rally.

Kalindo also asked the DPP officials to come on the open on whether they have fired him from the Party or not.

Reacting to Kalindo claims, DPP Secretary General Ecklen Kudomtoni trashed the claims, saying the MPs is just cooking up the story.

Meanwhile DPP action against Kalindo has attracted mixed reactions on the social media with others saying the Party is happy with albino killings in the country.

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