It’s a nightmare scenario. Kidnapped, bundled into the dark trunk of a car and driven off to an undisclosed destination never to be seen of again.

However unlikely the terrifying situation, it’s a sad reality for a small minority of Americans every year.

So today, FaceofMalawi is showing you a simple and effective way to break out of the trunk of a car… just in case.

First of all, don’t panic. Try to keep calm, take slow deep breaths and don’t let your fear overcome your rational thinking.

Daily mail

Try and locate a light source, whether from your own phone or handy keyring torch, or feel around in the trunk, the kidnapper may keep a torch for emergencies.Daily Mail 2

Once you’ve located your light, simply look around the trunk for the emergency latch.
Daily mail 3
If you can’t find your own light, look around the trunk. Many have glow in the dark catches that light up.

Then simply slide or press the release to open the trunk to escape. If the vehicle is still moving, wave your arm outside the trunk to get the attention of another driver.Daily Mail 4

Once the car comes to a stop, jump out and run!
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