The dead bodies  and people suffered from Ebola still haunted the pregnant women in Guinea as they are refusing to give birth in hospitals fearing the long dead Ebola virus.

According to source, one of the women, Mamanata Soumah lost her baby because she did not go to hospital as she was afraid.

Mamanata disclosed that she didn’t once see a midwife, a nurse or a doctor during her entire pregnancy and even as she entered the third day of excruciating contractions without any pain relief, she refused to see anyone.

“I was scared of Ebola,” she said.

This was back in March. Five months after this area had been declared Ebola free.

“I didn’t have the courage to go for check-ups at the clinic because so many people died there,” she said.

Ms Soumah also disclosed that she lost her baby because it was lacking proper care and she is not alone as many women are giving birth while in their homes or at chiefs ‘compounds.


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