President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has ordered Rumphi East Member of Parliament Kamlepo Kalua to feed him with the names of seven Cabinet Ministers implicated in the alleged MK577 billion cashgate scandal within 24-hours or shut up his mouth.

The highly charged Mutharika made the order in Salima today when he was officially opening the multi-billion Sugar factory.

In his speech, Mutharika said he is not shielding any Minister implicated in the alleged MK577 billion cashgate and he denied the reports by Kalua that he is having the report that contains names of people implicated in cashgate.

“I am ordering this MP to come to Sanjika Palace within 24-hours to give me the names of the Ministers implicated in the report because I don’t have the names. If he does not comply with my order he should shut up forever,” said Mutharika.

Kalua is quoted in the media that he was having a full report containing names of all Cabinet Ministers implicated in the report and Mutharika is yielding them because some of the Ministers implicated in the report are his friends.

Media reports also indicated that among the people implicated in the reports include Agriculture minister George Chaponda, Mutharika’s inner circle which includes Finance minister Goodall Gondwe, Labour Minister Henry Mussa, Mines and Energy Minister Bright Msaka.

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