By: Robert Kumwenda

Interim President of the newly formed political movement Transformation Alliance Mosses Kunkuyu has called for transformation leadership to encounter and address the challenges Malawians are going through.

The Former Information Minister said Mlawians need to resurrect from their lost hopes for the future of glory saying a transformation Malawi begins now not tomorrow.

He said the faint hearted, savages and undemocratic will tout this treasonous simply to silence the voice of reason fast resonating in every corner of Malawi.

“But we will not be intimidated, we shall overcome the intimidation with ease when it comes as we owe our allegiance to no one but the public.

“So we do not care what distracters and corrupt enemies of national development say because our confidence comes from the majority well-meaning law abiding citizens who remain miserable, hopeless and helpless even after obediently paying exorbitant and cruel taxes,” he said.

He further said that still more they face a never ending drug shortage curse in public hospitals, forced to sleep on the floor and eat once when sick.

Kunkuyu added that water they say is life remains erratic for years now, power outages are consistent with the poor but absent with the powerful a situation every sane Malawian must admit demands some political system overhaul to attain anticipated realistic inclusive national transformation.

“It is time to bring power to the people for their participation in governing the country, now it is the time things must change.

“We do not want leaders who remain detached from economic realities facing the citizens because Malawians are fed up with costly leaders that assume top public office posts but are eternally on leadership orientation, always flip flopping on decisions,” he said.

He added that it is evidently clear that our leaders are intoxicated with power and stop serving the interest of the public saying that getting such scenarios is suicidal and tantamount to selling the country to few selfish individuals.

He further explained that as a nation we must help the captain of the ship especially when the captain seems to be losing directions or worse still lack an idea where they are taking the ship to.

“It is unfortunate to have leaders that do not know how to lead their people or they do not know they have people to lead.

“We are saddened by the continued careless dumping of progressive national development strategies with potential to develop Malawi but get dusted for selfish political grounds

“For argument’s sake how many of us still hear our leaders talk about the much touted vision 20-20 which was aimed at Malawi as a God fearing nation secure, democratically mature, environmentally sustainable , self-reliant with equal opportunities for all and active participation for all , having social services, vibrant cultural and religious values and being a technologically driven middle income,” he asked.

He lamented that we are preoccupied with petty games instead of serving the poor while questioning the independency of Parliament whether it is really mature enough to articulate and discuss issues of national interest.

Kunkuyu therefore said it is time to spare our children this shame and prepare a better Malawi whose tales would worth sharing even to investors and development partners.

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