Tears of happiness characterized the consecration of Father John Ryan as new Bishop of Mzuzu Diocese on Saturday where President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika and his Vice Dr. Saulosi Chilima were in attendance.

The consecration ceremony was conducted by Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of Karonga Diocese.

Speaking to the crowd gathered at Mzuzu Stadium to witness his consecration, Bishop Ryan called for unity amongst the people he is going to serve.
“We need to be united because it’s about all of us to make progress,” said Ryan.

On his part, Mutharika said the coming in of John Ryan is a gift from God, a priceless gift to the Catholics in particular and a precious gift to Malawians in general.

According to Mutharika Ryan is as a man with a life of ‘simplicity and humility, like a human mirror of Jesus Christ’.

“We have seen his commitment to education. We have seen his commitment to evangelization. His teaching in the seminary and in the university; and his calling to become Bishop shows us a humble servant who is committed to enlighten the minds and hearts of the world,’’ Mutharika said.

Apart from the President and the first Lady Gertrude Mutharika, some of the notable faces that graced the occasion included; former Vice President Khumbo Kachali, Speaker of Parliament and Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera and his Vice Richard Msowoya.

Mzuzu has been operating for over a year without a Bishop following the death of Bishop Joseph Zuza in January 2015.

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