Students’ Union for Chancellor College (SUCC) have obtained injunction from the High Court against re-admission forms released by the college management outlining conditions students have to agree to in order to register when the college reopens.

Earlier this week, University Council Management released a statement accompanied by re-admission form requesting the students to accept responsibility for the July anti-fee hike demonstrations and make a promise they will not demonstrate again in future.

The administrations also demand every student to pay K1500 for the damage caused during the fracas and every student was asked to sign the form by September 9, 2016.

But the development angered SUCC leadership led by Sylvester Ayuba James, hence the injunction.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Ayuba James informed all the students from Chancellor College that the Union has obtained an injunction against the issue.

“It is my pleasure to communicate that the High Court has granted us an order of injunction stopping the administration from implementing its decision regarding the so-called ‘re-admission’ form.

“This means that no one should submit any form, pay any money or write any report whatsoever. The reports submitted are now invalid and useless and the money paid is subject to repayment,” wrote James.

He added: We, therefore, advise that no member of the Students’ Union of Chancellor College should oblige with anything regarding the form.”

CHANCO is expected to open its doors on 12th September following an order from President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

The school was closed in July following a violent protest staged by students against the fee hike.

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