Police in Lilongwe on Wednesday arrested 26 students from Natural Resources College (NRC), a constituent college of the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR) for holding violent protest.

The students took to the street to protest the fee hike by 45 percent by the Management as announced on Monday in a statement signed by LUANAR Vice Chancellor George Kanyama Phiri made available to FaceofMalawi.

The students blocked the road to the campus with burning tyres, stones and they chanted anti-fee hike songs.

Police had to use teargas to disperse the angry students and in the process arrested 26 students.

Central Region Police spokesperson confirmed of the arrest in an interview with the press but denied to disclose more details on the arrest.

One of the students at the campus who spoke in an interview with this reporter, Nelson Banda confirmed of the arrest.

Meanwhile the College has been closed indefinitely.

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