For many a time there has been a lot failed suicide cases being reported in the local tabloids.

This leaves many with a lot of unanswered questions as to what sort of rot, stress, hopelessness situations can drive one to such extremes, and ironically most victims of such failed attempts are within the range of 15 – 30 yrs of age.

According to the section 229 of the penal code “any person who attempts to kill himself shall be guilty of misdemeanour”.

Even though the constitution is very clear about this but still people disregard such laws as in a way they are meant to be broken, but in my view I feel like not many are aware of the consequences of taking away their own life and also their responsibility towards their well being.

Just recently, one student of the Malawi College of medicine mayamiko mbendera was rescued from an attempted suicide mission at one of the chichiri flood lights tower in Blantyre.

A lot has already been sung but we would rather prefer to look at the aftermath of such a failed suicide attempt. This fellow had critically analysed and planned his mission to the extent that he got convinced going ahead with the master plan.

However, I for one got startled with the presence of the police officers who came dressed in the military regalia with their M16 in their hands as if they are heading for a marathon of gun powder exchange.

Could this be the rusty lust for an exchange of bullets or inactivity taking centre stage, else just hunger for shooting to kill? 

It was no surprise that soon after a lengthy persuasion that he bolted his mission only to be welcomed in handcuffs and whisked into the van like a criminal before speeding like real work had been done, yet it had taken the effort of other Good Samaritan for the mission master not to execute his move.

Mission successful for the work starved officers that make love with timberland boots kissing them with kiwi to brightly shine their faces.

With such an altitude, what do you think will sink in the mind of the boy and what impact will it have if he might re-consider another suicide attempt. We feel the police should have done better in welcoming this boy from his aerobic exercise and such people just need proper counselling and not charging them with whatsoever crimes because if they get charged, convicted and later on come out prison it would not still change their line of thought.

It is high time that the police worked hand in hand with psychologists when handling cases of failed suicide attempts rather than they just do it for themselves as the best ingredient in this case misses.

Arrests, convictions cannot solve the state of mind it is but a collective unit that needs to be incorporated in helping such victims.

I rest my case!!!