Machinga Second Grade Magistrate Court convicted and sentenced a 55 year old Austin Ligomeka of Zomba to Five months imprisonment for assaulting and undressing his wife in public over clothes she claimed to receive from her cousin.

Prosecutor, sub Inspector, Rodrick Kamuona told the court Tuesday that Ligomeka saw his wife aged 32 with new clothes which the wife claimed that she got from her cousin.

Unconvinced with the claim, Ligomeka started beating the wife and tore her clothes including her underwear.

Turning his wife into a circus, Ligomeka made sure that the wife stood naked before the public in the morning early this month, Kamuona told the court adding that he mobilized his children join the public to see their mother‘s nakedness.

The prosecutor said this was Gender Based Violence at its best and that this was a serious case worthy a custodial sentence.

He asked the court to give Ligomeka a stiffer penalty.

He pleaded guilty to the charges and in mitigation he asked the court to pass a lighter penalty because he cares for orphans.

Second Grade Magistrate Maxwell Boazi condemned Ligomeka’s action saying this was indeed Gender Based Violence.

He found LIgomeka guilty, convicted him and sentenced him to five months imprisonment without giving him option for fine.

Both Ligomeka and his wife comes from Jusu Two, Village in Traditional Authority Mlumbe in Zomba near Machinga.

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