The main opposition Malawi Congress Party (MCP) plans to call for peaceful civil disobedience  following the government’s failure to introduce a Bill to discuss all electoral reforms.

According to MCP spokesperson Alekeni Menyani said the party will call for peaceful civil disobedience next month if government fail to introduce the bill.

“We are demanding that government should bring to parliament all relevant electoral reforms Bills and if government is not ready, the president must resign or we will call for civil disobedience,” said  told The Nation Newspaper.

Menyani also said MCP wants the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) to implement the proposal of moving MEC headquarters to Lilongwe and that announcements of results during a national election should be made at the constituency level.

While supporting the call for implementation of electoral reforms, political analyst Boniface Dulani, has told the local paper that calling for civil disobedience is too early as the party has not exhausted all avenues.

“The reforms have indeed delayed and it is good that MCP, as a party, has taken that initiative. I am sure all the parties, including the ruling party, would support the reforms,” said Dulani.

Commenting on the matter, Minister of Information and Communication Technology Malisoni Ndau said last evening the reforms report was being handled by a special committee and that he was yet to get details on progress.

Ndau said the public will be the best Judges if MCP continues with its plan to cause chaos in the country.

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