Police in Kasungu have arrested Bosta Liyaya, 29 for allegedly having sex with his own two daughters of the age 7 and 8.

It is alleged that, Liyaya has been sleeping with his own two daughters since 2014 and that he used to threaten them never to open up their mouths on the matter.

According to the mother, she first learnt of her husband’s heinous behaviour in October, 2016 after she had caught him having sex with their 7 year old daughter. After being confronted, Liyaya apologised and promised not to do it again.

The suspect also gave his wife a stain warning that if he would break the news outside he would handsomely deal with her.

“Fearing for her own life, Liyaya’s wife kept her mouth shut until on 22 November, 2016 when one of the victims approached the wife of their neighbour and revealed their father’s behavior claiming that they were tired of his inhuman acts on them. Realising the danger Liyaya’s behaviour could pose to the young girls lives, the woman reported the matter to the victims mother and advised her to report the matter to police.

“Upon receiving the complaint, the victims were issued with medical reports to go to Kasungu District Hospital for medical examination and treatment if any required,” reads in part the police statement.

Liyaya was arrested the same day on 23 November, 2016 and has been charged with Incest which is contrary to Section 157 of the Penal Code.

Liyaya will appear before court when police inquiries are completed and after getting the sanction of The Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).

Bosta Liyaya comes from Chiswe village, Traditional Authority Chikumbu in Mulanje district.

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