As Malawians across the country are protesting against same sex marriages and free termination of pregnancies, the government of Malawi has refuted allegations that it is planning to table an Abortion Bill in the National Assembly.

In a statement released today made available to FaceofMalawi signed by Minister of Information and Communications Technology Malisoni Ndau said truth of the matter is that the Law Commission has developed a Report and made recommendations to Government to adopt a new law on abortion.

Ndau said the law on abortion is governed by the Penal Code.

“Sections 149, 150, 151 and 243 of the Penal Code prohibit termination of pregnancy except where the life of the mother is threatened. This is the status of the law.

“However, the Penal Code underwent review and the Law Commission came up with its Report in 2000. In that Report, the Commission recommended to Government to empanel another special Law Commission to review comprehensively the sections dealing with termination of pregnancy after clearly acknowledging the need to do so,” said Ndau.

He added: “The Report, which is the subject of the present controversy, is the result of the work of this other Commission which focused on issues of unsafe termination of pregnancy. This Report is yet to be submitted to Cabinet through the Minister of Justice for Cabinet’s consideration.”

Ndau emphasizes that the report by the law commission is merely a recommendation to government and it is the prerogative of cabinet to adopt or reject it.

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