60% of Face of Malawi readers say can leave everything in hand of the Almighty God if their husband left them for another woman after suffering together for several years.

A woman identified as Uloma is in breaking state as her husband left her for another woman after suffering with him for 15 years.

Read her story here:

“Dear online marriage advisor

My name is Uloma, a 47-year-old married woman with four kids. At the moment, I am very angry with my husband, Bethel, who, after 15 years of marriage, wants to get married to another woman.

We got married when Bethel had nothing to call his own and I have suffered with him to build all that he has but he wants to pay me back with evil but I am not prepared to sit and watch another woman come in and benefit from my labour.

Bethel was a struggling young man when we got married. As a quantity engineer, he was just managing to survive as contracts were not easy to come by.

I worked with a manufacturing company and did all I could to link him up with some of our customers and went out of my way to help him get to where he is now.

Our first break came when one of my bosses, a British man, got a big contract with the federal government and wanted someone to handle it for him.

I was very close to the white man and I pleaded with him to give my husband a chance and in the end, Bethel got the contract even though renowned companies were interested and were ready to pay heavily to get it.

After successfully handling the job, my husband got more breaks and within a short time, he had set up his own company, bought landed properties and went into the construction of housing projects.

His people in the village suddenly remembered him and chieftaincy titles came rolling in and last year, he was given one of the highest titles in his community.

In September of this year, Bethel woke me up in the middle of the night and told me he was going to take another wife this December when he would be given another title. He said the title demands he takes a new wife and that plans have been concluded for the traditional marriage.

I thought he was joking but when I called his younger brother back home, he confirmed the development. I have fought Bethel, quarreled with him, begged him, cajoled him, all in a bid to talk him out of the planned marriage but he is adamant and has told me that if I cannot cope with another woman in the house, I might as well leave.

Where do I start from? How would a man I did everything for suddenly want to repay my faithfulness and love with such a betrayal?


Thanks readers for your contributions , it will help not only Uloma but also others .


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