28 year old man from Cape Town boasts he lost an impressive 48kg’s  during a 12-month period after he started to masturbate as frequently as 14 times a day.

After learning that sexual activity was a good way to burn calories, the young man started his own “erotic workout sessions” as he calls them.

“ I read this article in a magazine showing that sex was a great exercise to burn calories. Being that I am single, masturbation was the logical choice for me ”

Benjamin Brady believes he can burn between 100 and 200 calories every time he masturbates, accounting for thousands of calories when the activity is repeated ten times in a day.

lost 48 kg`s through masturbation – Benjamin Brady

The young engineering student says it’s his strong discipline and his mental strength that made the feat possible

“I knew that without discipline, I was never going to do it. So I set myself a goal to masturbate at least two hours per day, hoping to lose between 1,000 and 2,000 KG`s per workout, depending on the intensity of the workout,” he admits.

“I’d previously tried to lose weight multiple times and stick to a diet without much success and I’d always fall off the wagon within a few days. This is the first time I get such awesome results” he adds, visibly proud of himself.

Although masturbation has traditionally been practiced for one’s own sexual arousal and pleasure, more and more studies show there are real health benefits to the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals.

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