Suspended Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda has dragged to court Times Group Editor-In-Chief George Kasakula for defamation over a story published in Malawi News of Saturday, January 28, 2017.

On January 28, 2017, the paper carried a story titled “The Defiant Chaponda” and in the story the paper twisted the facts to suite the train of events regarding the Zambia maize-gate where Chaponda is being accused of having hand in the procurement process.

The paper reported that Chaponda deliberately snubbed the committee without reasons despite him (Chaponda) telling the paper that the invitation reached him late and there was communication break-down between the two parties.

“The title of your article is defamatory in nature which in simple terms means “ to offer resistance to something or challenge something,” reads in part the court documents seen by FaceofMalawi reporter dated January 30, 2017.

More details to come…

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