Pastor Temitope Joshua has come under fire from Malawian clergymen and politicians who questioned his role in the death of President Bingu wa Mutharika of Malawi.

According Face Of Malawi on Wednesday, social networking sites have been awash with conspiracy theories saying if this had happened in some Western countries, it would have necessitated a commission of inquiry.

Others said God does not tell prophets who is going to die but rather who needs salvation.

Joshua had told his congregation of the Synagogue Church of All Nations about two months ago that an African Head of State was going to die of illness in 60 days, and in a subsequent sermon gave the day and date of death.

His prophecy has been linked with the death of Mutharika who succumbed to cardiac arrest last Thursday.

Political analysts and clergymen said no prophet of God was expected to prophesy about someone’s death no matter how evil they are.

Zanu-PF legislator for Tsholotsho North, Jonathan Moyo, accused Joshua of being part of the conspiracy in the death of the President.

He said, “TB Joshua’s involvement in this tragedy smacks more of a plot than a prophecy. One thing for sure is that there is no prophecy here but just a prediction if one is to give him a benefit of doubt.

“This leaves open the questions as to what happened because to neutral people there appears to be more to the saga than meets the eye.

“In some places there is even spirited speculation in well informed circles that TB Joshua had privileged intelligence information about a death plot against Mutharika and the plotters used him as their microphone to divert attention from them and let the death appear like it was an act of God when it was an intelligence operation.

“The kind of exact alleged prophecy on when it was going to happen shows that this was being said by someone with medical information and not from God.

“It’s possible to medically induce a cardiac arrest no wonder why his death was first leaked by his doctors.

Zimbabwe Catholic Bishop Conference Secretary General, Frederick Chiromba, said the Catholics did not give prophecies on someone’s death.

“When you go to the scriptures no one is sanctioned to predict someone’s death in the public forum.

“God doesn’t give advance notices to individuals about their death. From the Catholic perspective it is not encouraged to give such prophecies. We don’t have such kind of prophecies in the Catholics,” Chiromba said.

Rev. Simon Jena of Baptist in Chitungwiza said, “That prophecy isn’t clear to me especially prophesying about the death of leaders.

“It would be proper to just say let’s pray for our leaders than to say a leader is going to die. This causes alarm and despondency. We just have to unite and pray for our leaders so that God can protect them.”

However, Destiny of Africa Network founding president Rev. Obadiah Musindo differed saying TB Joshua’s prophecy to the church was meant for the church to plead with God against the imminent death.

“A prophet is an instrument of God’s word to the people and he says what God would have said.

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