The High Commissioner Mr. Kenna Mphonda on Friday, 17 February, 2017 received a bloodmobile van on behalf of the Malawi Blood Transfusion Service at the a function held at NHS West Donor Centre in London.

The Bloodmobile van, is the first of its kind to be acquired in Malawi and the NHS Blood and Transplant Services which will boost blood collection in Malawi.

Ambassador Mphonda receiving the donation, thanked NHS Blood and Transplant service for the Mobile Van as it would help to ensure safe collection of blood in schools, work places and remote centres.

“Currently MBTS collects 57,000 units of blood at its four centres which is not enough to carter for the country’s blood needs. Their programmes in schools, work places and other areas is affected by lack of conducive environment by using makeshift classrooms or health centres which are not designed for the exercise. The van has come at the right time and will help save more lives,” said Mphonda.

Chief Executive of NHSBT Ian Trenholm said the donation was one way of recognising the vital role MBTS is undertaking to ensure that blood banks in Malawi have adequate resources.

“MBTS has indicated that they want to collect at least 80,000 units of blood each year. This van can help to collect at least 600 units a month, which we hope will be able to assist the country,” said Trenholm.

The purpose designed mobile van will be shipped to Malawi courtesy of the Global Blood Fund and is expected to be within service the next three months.

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