Two ward councilors for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and a village development committee chairperson have been arrested in Mulanje for allegedly abusing development funds.

ACB Public Relations Officer Egrita Ndala confirmed of the arrest in an interview with the press and identified the suspects as Biston Chikadewa Councilor for Nambilanje Ward, Councilor Samuel Makwinja of Chambe Ward and Newbry Winiko, VDC Chairman for Chambe Ward.

According to Ndala, the three plundered money meant for rehabilitation of roads, fish ponds and afforestation under MASAF4 project.

Ndala said the Bureau made the arrest following a complaint in September, 2016 about the alleged abuse of public resources.

“The Anti- Corruption Bureau instituted investigations which established that some funds were abused.

“The two Councilors and two Village Development Committee members are likely to be charged with abuse of office, theft, forgery and uttering a false document contrary to Section 25B (1) of the Corrupt Practices Act, 278, 358 and 360 of the Penal Code respectively,” said Ndala.

Meanwhile DPP Spokesperson Francis Kasaila is yet to comment on the arrest.

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