A little girl who was taken by her godfather to meet Pope Francis in Rome left the leader of the Catholic church in hysterics.

Catholic travel blogger Mountain Butorac held up three-year-old Shirley as Pope Francis came over to meet crowds.

But as the 80-year-old leant in to kiss the child on the cheek, she leaned in and grabbed his white skull cap.

Luckily for everyone the Most Holy Father saw the funny side and joined in with the laughter, swiftly retrieving his head garment from the girl.

He then placed it back on his head and went on to greet other well wishers.

Mountain then speaks to the camera as he hand the girl over to another adult and says: “She really took his hat.”

He uploaded the video to twitter at 11am this morning with the caption: “Took my Goddaughter to meet the pope. She stole his hat!”

This is not the first time Post Francis has been left giggling after meeting visiting crowds.

In 2015, during a visit to the USA tiny baby Quinn Madden was held aloft by her mum Dana as his parade arrived.

The youngster was dressed in full papal regalia, including a white and gold mitre and was kissed by the Pontiff.

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