A Kansas man pleaded guilty Friday to beating his seven-year-old son to death and feeding his remains to pigs.

Michael A Jones, 46, of Piper, outside of Kansas City, pleaded guilty to one count of first-degree murder in the death of his son Adrian Jones.

The boy’s remains were found in November 2015 near a barn on the rural property in Piper, where Jones lived with his wife Heather and eight children ranging in ages from one to 11.

The other children reportedly lived in deplorable conditions. They were also home schooled, according to the Kansas City Star.

‘Their house was horrible,’ one woman who asked for anonymity told WSFA. ‘Their house was just filthy. The kids lived in filth. Trash everywhere. Dried food all over the house.’

Dead mice, cages full of rats, syringes, rat poison and pornographic videos are just some of the things that were found inside the home.

Property owner Jennifer Hoevers, who rented the home to Michael and Heather, said she was shocked and disgusted when she went inside the property for the first time since they’d been jailed.

‘It took my breath away,’ she told Fox 4.

‘Fast food wrappers everywhere. There’s milk, rotting food everywhere.’

Hoevers said Michael and Heather Jones were ‘polite and respectful’ and showed interest in eventually buying the rural Kansas City home when they began renting more than two years ago.

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