Minister of Information and Communication Technology Nicholas Dausi has accused the Public Affairs Committee (PAC), a religious grouping of having pathological hatred against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP).

Dausi was reacting to the statement issued by PAC on Thursday titled “unfulfilled promises and deep-rooted corruption.”

In the statement, PAC said President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika has failed to deliver according to the Party’s manifesto and the country needs a new political architect to turn things around.

“We are compelled to state that the DPP administration and its leadership have dismally failed to perform and that there is lack of vision to steer this country into prosperity. The Holy Books are instructive on our country’s situation. The Quran, Sura 42 verse 30 reads: “And whatever of misfortune befalls you, it is because of what your hand earns”, and the Bible in Proverbs 29:18 reads : “Without vision the people perish”.

“We hold a strong view that no matter how much money one invests in propaganda groups to suppress the will of the people , justice and truth will always triumph. The growing corruption levels and economic malaise that are derailing the transformation of people’s lives show lack of strong leadership and intention to develop this country. The poor people are becoming poorer as the few are getting richer to the extent that poverty remains a long-term companion to the majority of Malawians. In the current scenario, the assertion that ‘ if a government does not have integrity has no right to govern’ is worth pondering upon lest people are led into saying enough is enough,” said Felix Chingota.

Reacting to this Dausi said PAC has pathological hatred with the DPP.

“PAC has always been against the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and am not surprised the report,” said Dausi in short interview.
In the statement PAC also accused President Mutharika of shielding former Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda implicated in maize-gate scandal.

“While the leadership of the country has acted on the former Minister of Agriculture, the action was conspicuously delayed to the public view of leadership’s failure. The revelations surrounding maize saga have been so alarming that swift action on the matter was expected from the country’s leadership to maintain the integrity of the state. PAC has heard some defences and justifications discussed in the media on the leadership’s delay to act.

“We take the view that such excuses and justifications lack substance and context given that the magnitude of the issue has remained shocking for some time, and to suggest that the leadership is in control of the situation seems to be a fundamental departure from the reality,” added the statement.

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