Ntaba: No third term
Former President Bingu wa Mutharika’s spokesperson Hetherwick Ntaba says he is around but can no longer make any public statements or comments because the person he used to speak for is now dead.

Ntaba said this in an interview on Wednesday when he was called to find out why he is now quiet in contrast to the days of Mutharika when he was labelled refuting propagandist for the Democratic Progressive Party.

“I can’t speak now, the person I used to speak for is no longer with us,” said Ntaba who was speaking from his office.

Asked to comment if he is still DPP taking into account that most senior party officials have defected to President Joyce Banda’s People’s Party, Ntaba said it would be unethical to make such comments when burial for the fallen president has not yet taken place.

“We are in mourning period and I am not making any comments on that. It s better to mourn our president with dignity and respect, it is not respectful to the deceased if I start faulting this party or that party,” said Ntaba.

Ntaba used to make long statements on the state controlled Malawi Broadcasting Corporation defending party and government policies and sometimes hitting at opposition leaders including the incumbent president (Banda).

Apart from being presidential spokesperson, he was also DPP spokesperson and was once secretary general of the former ruling party.

Currently all DPP party news is being relayed through the secretary general Wakuda Kamanga. No explanation has been given why Ntaba is not speaking for the party anymore.

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