The High Court registry in Zomba has stopped the Malawi College of Accountancy (MCA) from holding its 2017 graduation ceremony.

The order was granted by Judge Zione Ntaba on Tuesday.

The development follows the court injunction obtained by the graduating students, according to MCA officials.

Confirming the development, MCA Principal Agrippa Phiri said the ceremony was expected to be conducted on 21 April this year.

“I can confirm to you that we have received the court injunction obtained by the graduating students to stop us from holding the 2017 graduation ceremony,” said Phiri.

According to Phiri, the students demand to hold the ceremony after the College is being accredited be accredited by the National Council of Higher Education (NCHE).

MCA was among the colleges discredited by NCHE in November last year due to failure to meet minimum requirements.

The development angered the students who asked the school management to reach the NCHE requirements.

The students argued that their degrees will be of no value if the college is to remain unaccredited by NCHE.

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