Member of Parliament Kamlepo Kalua has described Malawi Revenue Authority as a tool which is being used for political witch hunt following the recent development that led to two of his vehicles seized after the MRA raided his house and his son`s house on Wednesday.

MRA seized Toyota Land Cruiser V8 registration number KA 8966 and Mercedes Benz registration number RU 5437 from Kalua`s house on allegation that he evaded duty.

seized cars

But the Rumphi East Member of Parliament defended himself saying the Mercedes Benz was bought by his son Penjani who is also a musician popularly known by his stage name Fredokiss and that it was cleared by parliament in August 2014.

“The VX was locally bought in 2008 by my son and that vehicle was bought by an Indian in 1997 at Toyota Malawi. So, where did I import these vehicles,” questioned Kalua.

the move its to persecute dpp critics – Kalua

Kalua continued to say that the move was just part of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration`s tactics to politically persecute its critics.

“I refused to be intimidated. I will never be cowed by these cowardice tactics. I fought against dictatorship before so what is this,” he said.

Arguing on what kalua said, the government`s spokesperson Nicholas Dausi said the matter is not politically motivated rather the MRA is just performing its duties.

MRA is just doing its duties – Dausi

Kalua said through lawyer Lusungu Gondwe an injunction has been obtained restraining the tax collecting body from seizing the vehicles.

MRA director of corporate affairs Stephen Kapoloma said documents that were retrieved during the operation were not for the two vehicles.

“The cars are not in the system and were registered as Vanette,” Kapoloma claimed.

He said the vehicles seized during the two operations are being kept at MRA offices while the Authority is conducting further verifications exercise regarding the allegations.
















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