Debate has ensued over the money Blantyre City Council (BCC) has used in renovating the clock at clock tower with others saying the clock the money used in the exercise is too much.

Information sourced by faceofmalawi indicates that BCC has spent money amounting to MK25 million in purchasing the new clock placed at the newly inaugurated clock tower in Blantyre.

According to BCC spokesperson Anthony Kasunda, the project of maintaining the clock tower was funded by charter insurance.

But writing on his official facebook page, Billy Mayaya questioned BCC on the expenditure, saying the price pegged on the renovation of the clock is to the higher side.

“25 million for measly Solar Clock. Koma Malawi penapake! We love the clock but not at that Exaggerated cost,” wrote Mayaya.

Speaking in Blantyre on Wednesday, President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika hailed Mayor for Blantyre City Council for renovating the clock.

Mutharika said in the past he used to match his clock with the one placed at clock tower.

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