A woman has caused quite a stir after storming a funeral home to attack and hack off the breasts and toes from her husband’s girlfriend.

Shaynna Sims

Shaynna Sims, a woman has been caged for 16 years after she hacked the breasts off the corpse of her husband’s mistress.

According to The Sun UK, Shaynna Sims was found guilty of mutilating love rival Tabatha Lynch’s body after convincing her heartbroken family she was a make-up artist who would work on the corpse.

Instead of making tragic Tabatha’s body look presentable for her funeral, 28-year-old Sims carved off her breasts and a toe, pulled out clumps of her hair and slashed her face shortly before a public viewing.

During the trial, it was revealed Sims snapped after learning her husband had an affair with the victim, who died of natural causes.

Seething with anger, she took brutal revenge on her love rival by cutting up her corpse shortly before a family viewing was to be held in April 2015.

Tabatha Lynch

Tabatha’s mother revealed during the trial: “She had make-up and lipstick smeared all over her face; her hair was just all over the place.”

A horrified jury appeared visually shocked as they listened throughout the trial in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The attack was discovered by two horrified members of the funeral home who raced to tell the manager what they had found.

During the trial, funeral director Robert Gardner said the two women came to him during the showing saying that someone had “pulled a glob of hair” from the dead woman and left it on the floor.

A security manager then told the trial how he discovered the 38-year-old victim’s breasts and toe had been cut off.

Sims’ defence lawyer claimed Lynch’s body underwent a rough post-mortem, accounting for the injuries.

He also claimed the woman’s family was trying to set Sims up as she tried to clean up the body because she thought the funeral home did not do a good job for viewing.

However, a jury did not believe the claims and found her guilty of mutilating a body, interrupting a funeral and unlawful removal of a body from a deceased person.

Prosecutor Tanya Wilson said: “It has been very painful for this mother’s children that she’s left behind,

“It’s been a very, very, emotional time for this family and so we’re glad that they’re finally getting the resolution that they deserve.”

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