A teenage couple allegedly flogged by Bishop Daniel Obinim, ostensibly for having sex out of wedlock, have returned to the church, seeking his blessings on the product of their ‘fornication.’

Obinim is a Ghanaian pastor known for self-proclaimed spiritual powers and extreme practices which have often sparked national outrage for infringement on rights of church members.

The news of the birth of the teenage couple’s baby became public when they took the newborn to Obinim’s Church, International God’s Way Church, for dedication.

The baby was born earlier in June.

A video of the bishop flogging the couple during a church service had gone viral on social media sometime last year.

See the video:

The teenage girl, named Jezuah, was pregnant; but along with her 16-year-old boyfriend, Iliyasu, were flogged allegedly for engaging in premarital sex that led to her pregnancy.

Obinim, who was angered by the couple’s amorous activity, stripped Iliyasu of his shirt while Jezuah was in a white gown. The pastor then marched them to the pulpit, where the two lovers were flogged before the congregation.

Though widespread condemnation greeted Obinim’s action, the couple’s parents felt the “correction” was meted by “an angel” and therefore in order.

The couple’s action of bringing their newborn to Obinim for dedication seems to ratify that view.

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