Former Adviser to late Professor Bingu wa Mutharika on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) Bessie Chirambo has dumped the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and joined the Alliance for Democracy (Aford).

Chirambo was welcomed in the party by Enock Chihana during a political rally held at Chikwawa in Rumphi.

The development comes barely months after the party also welcomed in the party Independent Member of Parliament for Karonga Central Frank Mwenifumbo.

Mwenifumbo’s move to AFORD attracted criticisms from the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) especially its Secretary General Greseider Jeffrey wa Jeffrey.

Jeffrey wa Jeffrey labeled the decision as a poor timing by Mwenifumbo, saying DPP is the only Party that Malawians trust at the moment.

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