Rumphi East Member of Parliament Kamlepo Kalua has hailed Malawians for openly showing their anger at former Minister of Agriculture, Irrigation and Water Development Dr. George Chaponda who was arrested on Wednesday by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

Malawians yesterday braved the cold weather and waited for Chaponda outside ACB officers up to evening and after getting tired others started chanting ‘Atuluke wakuba Chimanga’.

After sensing danger, Police had to use the backdoor for the two to get into the government vehicle which whisked them away.

But protesters mobbed the vehicle carrying the two whilst chanting ‘atuluke! atuluke!’.

Others even went further by stoning the vehicle.

Writing on his official facebook, Kamlepo hailed President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika for arresting Chaponda and he urged him to finish the race.
“They said Kamlepo akunama, Wamisala, akupeka khani. Do you remember the Muwalo lesson I posted? The plan was to have Kamlepo arrested, booed, stoned and humiliated (Harman and Modeccai).

“Bravo Mr. President. …you have started well, finish the race,” wrote Kamlepo.

He added: “Bravo Malawians voicing out too, the fight on corruption is not personal and not for Kamlepo alone. Politicians should be afraid as servants. As i said “ATSANZIKE”.

Meanwhile Chaponda was today scheduled to appear before Blantyre Magistrate Court.

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