National ID registration workers have pounced a letter asking for an increase of their daily allowances in the ongoing registration ID exercise saying that their current allowance money is not enough to meet the cost of living which is high in the country.

NRB officer at duty

The NRB workers are currently getting a daily allowance of K5600 which they want the registration bureau to consider it to get up to K20.000 per day.

“You must be well aware of the difficulties we are facing and expenses we are incurring in our various locations.

“The amount paid to us is considerably on lower side and this has caused most of our colleagues to resign as the amount is not enough to cater for daily expenses,” says the letter.

Grace Chiuma

The last parliament session, Minister Grace Chiumia said Government is considering to raise the NRB worker`s allowances to meet the K20, 000 amount the workers are demanding.

The letter has also expressed a concern saying the lower allowances may prompt the workers not to put in much effort in their work.

On a slight different point, the letter has condemned the NRB drivers for over speeding saying the bahaviour can potentially put their lives at risk.




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