A sad and tragic story has occurred during a fight between two warring villages in..
Jerry Hitcherfield, 17, is accusing lead e-cigarette maker Juul of marketing to young straight..
A woman was caught driving a BMW convertible with a bed base and mattress..
Teenager allegedly masturbated a jaw-dropping 56 times non-stop before dying of a heart attack,..
A teacher gave birth on the pavement after going into labour at a middle..
A Prisoner on death-row,Igor Hamilton will be set free after he survived three lethal..
Nearly 200 wrestlers and crew were held ‘hostage’ by Saudi Arabia in retaliation at..
Facebook unveiled a new logo that’s meant to represent the parent company that owns Facebook,..
A Virginia man will serve five years in prison without parole for the death..
Nigeria-Barely two weeks after the discovery of illegal rehabilitation/torture centres in Katsina, the Oyo..
A vessel owned by Norwegian shipping firm J.J. Ugland was boarded by pirates while..
Two Dutch men hid half a tonne of cannabis amongst out-of-date pizza. The duo,..
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday announced a ban on all flavored e-cigarettes..
An Indian man took a call in the middle of the night and that..
A Female tax officer in Abdullapurmet MRO office in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana..
Two men in Neno District have been butcthed to death after an accusation of..
A spurned wife who found out her husband is gay after nine years of..
A couple have been kicked off a TUI cruise just one day into their..