Xenophobic attacks against foreigners in South Africa are reported to have resurfaced in some..
Unconfirmed reports reaching this publication indicate that there have been discomfort in Durban, South..
JOHANNESBURG - A global health ranking has identified South Africa as the most unhealthy..
At least 167 people were saved and reunited with their families on Tuesday following..
A picture of South African President Cyril Ramaphosa stuck in a public train has..
A black South African TV and radio presenter has said he was the victim..
SOUTH AFRICA - Police on Wednesday arrested a former University of South Africa (Unisa)..
William Chandler, the former South African pilot who was flying with a fake licence..
She was just a teenager when she met and fell in love with self-styled..
SOUTH AFRICA - A South African man has been shot and arrested after damaging school windows..
After announcing that he would go and confront Pastor Alph Lukau to apologize over..
Incredible Happenings Ministries leader Paseka “Mboro” Motsoeneng says he will confront pastor Alph Lukau..
A South African pastor, Pastor Uriah Maseko, of the Church On The Hill Ministries in Katlehong, Ekurhuleini..
The governments of South Africa and Zimbabwe have been compelled to react to the..
Malaika Kimani said people are just used to old miracles and could not believe..
A 13-year-old South African pupil is expected to appear in court today, Wednesday 27..
Reports have been gathered that the man who was falsely resurrected by the current..
A funeral parlour has opened a case against the Alleluia International Ministries for dragging..