A 70-year-old Hong Kong man has died after he was hit by a brick..
Facebook apologised on Friday after black employees anonymously shared feelings of workplace bias in..
Two Italian police officers Carabinieri Alessio di Bernardo and Raffaele d’Alessandro have been sentenced..
The Romans had a phrase that summed it up nicely: “mater semper certa est,..
Adherents view life not as a gift and a miracle, but a harm and..
CCTV from the school shows the 16-year-old suspect take a gun out of his..
The Democratic-led impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump moves ahead on Thursday after an..
Wondering why they haven't called even though you had a wonderful 15th date? Well,..
A 24-year-old Australian woman who calls herself “the Blue Eyed White Dragon” said she..
In Harare,Zimbabwe-A policewoman allegedly teamed up with her two brothers and a workmate to..
A 15-year-old girl was rescued after she was held captive for 11 weeks by..
Radboud University in Nijmegen has dug a 'purification grave' to help students reflect on..
About 600 women in Shale,Zimbabwe confessed to prophets that a mysterious snake would lick..
A Zimbabwean man from Nkayi District clobbered his neighbour with a hoe, stabbed her..
In Agra somewhere in Uttar Pradesh,India-A shocking incident has occured, a man severed the..
In Hyderabad,India-Four persons died and one was critically injured after a portion of a..
Another case depicting the deteriorating law and order in Uttar Pradesh has come to..
A Premier High School Teacher in Bulawayo has been sentenced to 15 years in..