The incident happened in Macheke where Moreblessing Kuziwomunhu claimed that she was forced by..
Some church members have been spotted kneeling as they adorned the feet of their..
She heard that the pastor helped people with all kinds of problems. So she..
A football has been arrested after sending a female referee who had just red-carded..
Chaos erupted today, July 7 2022 at one of the fuel stations in Falomo,..
A pretty South African lady is trending after a video of her with a..
Who says you can’t find love in the club? A man made his love..
A lady who was out partying all night has been caught after she tried..
THE HORRIFIC ordeal of a woman and her two kids who were kept imprisoned..
A woman ended up in a hospital, afraid for her life, after a se.x..
Before you think of going into a pool with a woman, make sure you..
A video circulating the social media shows the moment a Nigerian man was humiliating his..
A Nigerian man has caused a stir online after he filmed his girlfriend crying..
A Ghanaian man has disclosed how a WhoCUp girl won’t leave him alone after..
Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer for Bono Region, Mad. Emily Ama Oduro has expressed..
The semi-nude lady in the pix was caught redhanded on bed with her best..
Viral Video : Like the popular saying, 99 days for the thief, one day..
A yet-to-be-identified bride’s mother was shell shocked when the groom displayed wild bedroom skills..