I know the girl code says no secrets but you should understand that there..
Sometimes the heart can be deceptive, and if you aren’t careful, it would play..
After a breakup, we find it really hard to move on. Most of us..
About a hundred years ago, there would probably have been no reason for me..
The end of a relationship can feel like the end of the world especially..
Sometimes people suck. They cheat on you with your best friend and skip your..
Some habits are cultivated over a period of time, but they are habits that..
At the point when the relationship is new and loaded up with energy, we..
In most parts of the world, women marry quite early in their lifetime while..
Women love receiving compliments from the man they love but for so many men..
If you are crazy about a particular lady in your neighbourhood or place of..
If he isn’t good enough for you today, he probably would never be good..
What do women really love in a man? This is one subject most men..
Have you ever wondered why a man would work so hard to get a..
Selfishness and relationships don’t go hand in hand, but people bring their selfishness into..
No man dumps a lady at the blink of an eye; for him to..
A relationship is supposed to bring happiness, joy and peace, but this isn’t always..
Love is a beautiful thing, no doubt, and nothing beats being in a relationship..